But that's just because half of my power resides in that mutt, Barbas. (Or "Really? Power? Haven't you already killed enough of your foes using the more mundane means at your disposal? Swords, magic, etc.? How.uninspired." If " Dragon Rising" is completed) As much as I hate to say it, you're almost as powerful as I am right now. Come to think of it, I know of a win-win situation for both of us." The power to crush all before me! " Really? Power? You're a dragonborn you already have more power than most people who aren't immense, fire-breathing monsters. As much as I hate to say it, you're almost as powerful as I am right now. I'd simply snap my fingers, and everyone in Skyrim would die.

"Oh, if I had my full power, granting that would be trivial. But no promises." An end to the civil war that plagues this land. perhaps there is a way he could earn his place back at my side. Even if it does mean I'm stuck in this pitiful shrine, in the back end of. So, what's your heart's desire? What kind of deal can we strike?" I'm just here to reunite you with Barbas. Then you came in and ended their misery! I couldn't have planned it better myself. They were suffering so from vampirism, and begged me for a cure.

It's the least I could do, since you already helped me grant one final wish for my last worshippers.