Leonard Boyarsky, one of the lead designers of Fallout at Interplay, stated that he designed the Pip-Boy more towards his personal preference for "old, clunky technology" than any trend towards retrofuturism. The newer Pip-Boy contains a map, quest tracker, a radio, and a light, Development In the Interplay Fallout titles, the Pip-Boy is essentially a menu screen skin, however, in the Bethesda games, it appears attached to the player character's arm and is looked at from a first-person perspective. The main screen of the Pip-Boy 3000, demonstrating its monochrome monitor and use of the Vault Boy character. Pip-Boy replica as a package sold separately from Fallout 76. Many working replicas of the Pip-Boy have been built by fans of the series, and Bethesda, developers of Fallout 3, 4 and 76, has released a Pip-Boy replica alongside editions of Fallout 4 that can be used alongside a phone app, in limited quantities. The Pip-Boy has been called one of the most iconic tools of Fallout and video games as a whole, and praised for its design, as well as compared with real-world wearable computers. In the Fallout games, it functions as a diegetic way for the player to access the menu and manage their inventory. Manufactured in-universe by RobCo Industries prior to the devastating nuclear Great War, it is capable of numerous functions depending on the model. The Pip-Boy is a fictional wearable computer in the post-apocalyptic Fallout video game franchise. Interplay Entertainment, Bethesda Softworks A Sole Survivor cosplayer wearing a replica Pip-Boy (left wrist)